110 Metro Bus Schedule Playa Vista – Bell Gardens via Jefferson

110 Metro Bus Schedule Playa Vista – Bell Gardens via Jefferson Bl-Gage Av, Los Angeles plan your trip, find out which transport is closest to you, the passenger can see on the map the complete bus route with streets and regions served in the transport of people.

Los Angeles subway route and bus schedules, these were the main information presented here for you to plan your bus trip using the public transport system.

Metro 110 Bus Schedule


Metro 110 Bus Schedule Playa Vista – Bell Gardens via Jefferson Bl-Gage Av, the Los Anges bus schedule information presented here is constantly updated, passengers who use public transport on a daily basis can see more line options on the page below.

Monday through Friday

Eastbound (Approximate Times)

Waters Edge & Jefferson Culver City Transit Center Centinela & La Brea Gage & Western Gage & Main Florence Station Gage & Pacific Gage & Wilcox Granger & Florence

— — — 4:48A 4:56A 5:05A 5:11A 5:20A 5:28A
— — — 05:09 05:17 05:26 05:32 05:41 05:49
— 5:05A 5:16A 05:30 05:38 05:47 05:53 06:02 06:10
5:14A 05:23 05:34 05:48 05:56 06:06 06:13 06:24 06:32
— 05:37 05:48 06:03 06:12 06:23 06:30 06:41 06:49
— 05:49 06:00 06:17 06:26 06:37 06:45 06:56 07:04
— 06:02 06:15 06:32 06:41 06:52 07:00 07:11 07:20
06:07 06:16 06:29 06:47 06:56 07:07 07:15 07:27 07:37
— 06:29 06:42 07:00 07:10 07:21 07:30 07:42 07:52
06:34 06:43 06:56 07:14 07:24 07:35 07:44 07:56 08:06
— 06:57 07:10 07:28 07:38 07:50 07:59 08:11 08:21
— 07:13 07:26 07:44 07:54 08:06 08:14 08:26 08:36
07:20 07:29 07:42 08:00 08:09 08:21 08:29 08:42 08:52
— 07:44 07:57 08:15 08:24 08:36 08:44 08:57 09:07
— 07:59 08:13 08:31 08:40 08:52 09:00 09:13 09:23
08:04 08:14 08:28 08:46 08:55 09:07 09:15 09:28 09:38
— 08:30 08:44 09:02 09:11 09:23 09:31 09:44 09:54
08:32 08:43 08:57 09:17 09:26 09:38 09:46 09:59 10:09
— 08:58 09:12 09:32 09:41 09:53 10:01 10:14 10:24
— 09:11 09:25 09:45 09:54 10:07 10:16 10:29 10:39
09:13 09:24 09:38 09:58 10:09 10:22 10:31 10:44 10:54
— 09:40 09:54 10:12 10:23 10:36 10:45 10:58 11:08
— 09:55 10:09 10:27 10:38 10:51 11:00 11:15 11:25
— 10:10 10:24 10:42 10:53 11:06 11:15 11:30 11:40
10:14 10:25 10:39 10:57 11:08 11:21 11:30 11:45 11:55
— 10:41 10:55 11:13 11:24 11:37 11:46 12:01P 12:12P
— 10:53 11:07 11:25 11:37 11:51 11:59 12:15 12:26
— 11:06 11:20 11:38 11:50 12:04P 12:14P 12:29 12:40
11:08 11:20 11:35 11:53 12:05P 12:19 12:29 12:44 12:55
— 11:33 11:49 12:07P 12:19 12:33 12:43 12:58 01:09
— 11:47 12:03P 12:22 12:34 12:48 12:58 01:13 01:24
— 12:01P 12:17 12:37 12:49 01:03 01:14 01:29 01:40
12:02P 12:14 12:30 12:52 01:04 01:18 01:29 01:45 01:56
— 12:30 12:46 01:08 01:20 01:34 01:45 02:01 02:12
— 12:45 01:01 01:23 01:35 01:49 02:00 02:16 02:27
— 12:59 01:16 01:38 01:50 02:04 02:15 02:31 02:42
01:01 01:14 01:31 01:53 02:05 02:19 02:30 02:46 02:57
— 01:29 01:46 02:08 02:20 02:34 02:45 03:01 03:13
— 01:44 02:01 02:23 02:35 02:49 03:00 03:16 03:28
— 02:00 02:17 02:38 02:50 03:04 03:15 03:31 03:43
02:03 02:16 02:33 02:53 03:05 03:19 03:30 03:46 03:58
— 02:29 02:47 03:08 03:20 03:34 03:45 04:01 04:13
— 02:44 03:02 03:23 03:35 03:49 04:00 04:16 04:28
— 02:59 03:17 03:38 03:50 04:04 04:15 04:31 04:43
02:59 03:13 03:31 03:52 04:04 04:19 04:30 04:46 04:58
— 03:27 03:45 04:06 04:19 04:34 04:45 05:01 05:13
— 03:42 04:00 04:21 04:34 04:49 05:00 05:16 05:28
03:43 03:57 04:16 04:37 04:50 05:05 05:15 05:31 05:43
— 04:13 04:32 04:52 05:05 05:20 05:30 05:46 05:58
— 04:29 04:48 05:08 05:21 05:35 05:45 06:01 06:12
04:32 04:46 05:05 05:25 05:37 05:50 06:00 06:14 06:25
— 05:02 05:21 05:41 05:53 06:06 06:15 06:29 06:40
— 05:18 05:37 05:57 06:08 06:21 06:30 06:44 06:55
05:20 05:33 05:52 06:12 06:23 06:36 06:45 06:59 07:09
— 05:48 06:06 06:26 06:37 06:50 06:59 07:12 07:21
— 06:08 06:25 06:44 06:55 07:07 07:15 07:28 07:37
06:12 06:24 06:40 06:59 07:10 07:22 07:30 07:43 07:52
— 06:44 07:00 07:19 07:30 07:42 07:50 08:03 08:12
07:07 07:19 07:35 07:54 08:04 08:15 08:22 08:34 08:43
08:05 08:17 08:31 08:49 08:59 09:09 09:16 09:27 09:35
09:08 09:20 09:34 09:51 10:00 10:10 10:16 10:26 10:34
10:09 10:20 10:32 10:46 10:54 11:02 11:07 11:16 11:24

Monday through Friday

Westbound (Approximate Times)

— 4:37A 4:47A 4:53A 5:02A 5:10A 5:24A 5:34A
— 05:03 05:13 05:19 05:28 05:36 05:52 06:03
5:18A 05:28 05:38 05:44 05:53 06:01 06:18 06:27
05:39 05:49 05:59 06:06 06:16 06:25 06:42 06:54
05:52 06:03 06:14 06:21 06:31 06:40 06:57 07:06
06:07 06:18 06:29 06:36 06:47 06:56 07:14 07:27
06:22 06:33 06:44 06:51 07:02 07:11 07:30 07:39
06:37 06:48 06:59 07:07 07:19 07:28 07:47 08:00
06:48 06:59 07:12 07:20 07:32 07:42 08:01 08:10
07:03 07:15 07:28 07:36 07:48 07:58 08:17 08:26
07:18 07:30 07:43 07:51 08:03 08:13 08:32 08:46
07:34 07:46 07:59 08:07 08:19 08:29 08:48 08:57
07:50 08:02 08:15 08:23 08:35 08:45 09:05 09:14
08:05 08:17 08:30 08:38 08:50 09:00 09:20 09:34
08:19 08:31 08:45 08:53 09:04 09:14 09:34 09:43
08:34 08:46 09:00 09:08 09:19 09:29 09:49 09:58
08:49 09:01 09:15 09:23 09:34 09:44 10:04 10:13
09:04 09:16 09:30 09:38 09:49 10:00 10:20 10:34
09:18 09:30 09:45 09:53 10:04 10:15 10:35 10:44
09:32 09:45 10:00 10:08 10:19 10:30 10:48 10:57
09:47 10:00 10:15 10:23 10:34 10:45 11:03 11:17
10:02 10:15 10:30 10:39 10:51 11:02 11:20 11:29
10:17 10:30 10:45 10:54 11:06 11:17 11:35 11:44
10:32 10:45 11:00 11:09 11:21 11:32 11:50 11:59
10:46 10:59 11:15 11:24 11:37 11:48 12:06P 12:22P
11:01 11:14 11:30 11:39 11:52 12:03P 12:21 12:30
11:16 11:29 11:45 11:54 12:07P 12:18 12:36 12:45
11:31 11:44 11:59 12:09P 12:22 12:33 12:51 01:00
11:46 11:59 12:15P 12:24 12:37 12:49 01:07 01:23
12:01P 12:14P 12:30 12:39 12:52 01:04 01:25 01:34
12:16 12:29 12:45 12:54 01:07 01:19 01:40 01:49
12:31 12:44 01:00 01:09 01:22 01:34 01:55 02:04
12:46 12:59 01:15 01:24 01:37 01:49 02:11 02:27
01:01 01:14 01:30 01:39 01:52 02:04 02:26 02:35
01:16 01:29 01:45 01:54 02:07 02:19 02:41 02:50
01:31 01:44 02:00 02:09 02:22 02:34 02:56 03:11
01:47 02:00 02:15 02:24 02:37 02:49 03:11 03:20
02:02 02:15 02:30 02:39 02:52 03:04 03:24 03:33
02:18 02:31 02:46 02:55 03:08 03:19 03:39 03:54
02:32 02:45 03:00 03:09 03:22 03:33 03:53 04:02
02:47 03:00 03:15 03:24 03:37 03:48 04:08 04:17
03:02 03:15 03:30 03:39 03:52 04:03 04:23 04:32
03:17 03:30 03:45 03:54 04:08 04:19 04:39 04:54
03:32 03:45 04:00 04:09 04:23 04:34 04:54 05:09
03:47 04:00 04:15 04:24 04:38 04:49 05:09 05:18
04:01 04:14 04:29 04:38 04:52 05:03 05:23 05:37
04:16 04:29 04:43 04:52 05:06 05:17 05:36 05:45
04:32 04:44 04:58 05:07 05:21 05:32 05:50 06:03
04:47 04:59 05:13 05:22 05:36 05:47 06:05 06:14
05:01 05:13 05:27 05:36 05:50 06:01 06:18 06:31
05:15 05:27 05:41 05:50 06:04 06:15 06:32 06:45
05:30 05:42 05:56 06:05 06:18 06:29 06:46 06:59
05:45 05:57 06:11 06:20 06:33 06:44 07:01 07:12
06:01 06:13 06:27 06:36 06:49 07:00 07:17 07:28
06:17 06:29 06:43 06:52 07:05 07:15 07:31 07:42
06:48 07:00 07:13 07:21 07:33 07:43 07:59 08:10
07:14 07:25 07:38 07:46 07:57 08:07 08:23 08:34
07:40 07:51 08:04 08:12 08:23 08:33 08:49 09:00
08:16 08:27 08:39 08:47 08:58 09:07 09:23 09:33
09:06 09:17 09:29 09:36 09:45 09:54 10:09 10:18
10:03 10:13 10:23 10:29 10:37 10:45 10:59 11:08
11:03 11:13 11:23 11:29 11:37 11:45 11:59 12:08A


Eastbound (Approximate Times)

Culver City Transit Center Centinela & La Brea Gage & Western Gage & Main Florence Station Gage & Pacific Gage & Wilcox Granger & Florence

— — 5:14A 5:21A 5:30A 5:35A 5:44A 5:51A
— — 05:56 06:03 06:12 06:18 06:27 06:34
6:15A 6:26A 06:39 06:48 06:57 07:03 07:14 07:21
06:41 06:53 07:09 07:18 07:27 07:33 07:44 07:53
07:10 07:22 07:38 07:47 07:57 08:03 08:15 08:24
07:39 07:51 08:08 08:17 08:27 08:33 08:45 08:54
08:05 08:18 08:35 08:45 08:56 09:03 09:15 09:24
08:33 08:46 09:04 09:14 09:26 09:33 09:46 09:56
09:02 09:15 09:33 09:43 09:55 10:03 10:17 10:27
09:30 09:44 10:02 10:12 10:25 10:33 10:47 10:58
09:58 10:12 10:30 10:41 10:54 11:03 11:17 11:28
10:28 10:42 11:00 11:11 11:24 11:33 11:47 11:58
10:52 11:07 11:26 11:37 11:50 11:59 12:15P 12:26P
11:21 11:36 11:55 12:07P 12:20P 12:30P 12:45 12:56
11:51 12:06P 12:25P 12:37 12:50 01:00 01:15 01:26
12:21P 12:36 12:55 01:07 01:20 01:30 01:45 01:56
12:49 01:05 01:24 01:37 01:50 02:00 02:15 02:26
01:22 01:38 01:57 02:10 02:23 02:33 02:48 02:59
01:51 02:07 02:27 02:40 02:53 03:03 03:18 03:29
02:20 02:37 02:57 03:10 03:23 03:33 03:48 03:59
02:52 03:09 03:29 03:41 03:54 04:03 04:18 04:29
03:24 03:41 04:00 04:11 04:24 04:33 04:47 04:58
03:54 04:11 04:30 04:41 04:54 05:03 05:17 05:28
04:25 04:42 05:01 05:12 05:24 05:33 05:47 05:57
04:56 05:13 05:32 05:42 05:54 06:03 06:17 06:27
05:27 05:44 06:02 06:12 06:24 06:33 06:47 06:57
06:01 06:18 06:36 06:46 06:58 07:06 07:19 07:28
06:39 06:55 07:13 07:23 07:34 07:42 07:55 08:04
07:19 07:35 07:53 08:03 08:14 08:21 08:34 08:43
08:17 08:31 08:49 08:58 09:08 09:15 09:26 09:34
09:20 09:34 09:51 10:00 10:10 10:16 10:26 10:34
10:20 10:32 10:46 10:54 11:02 11:07 11:16 11:24


Westbound (Approximate Times)

Granger & Florence Gage & Wilcox Gage & Pacific Florence Station Gage & Main Gage & Western Centinela & La Brea Culver City Transit Center

6:15A 6:26A 6:38A 6:44A 6:54A 7:02A 7:18A 7:28A
06:50 07:02 07:13 07:19 07:29 07:37 07:53 08:04
07:20 07:32 07:43 07:49 07:59 08:07 08:24 08:35
07:50 08:02 08:13 08:20 08:30 08:39 08:56 09:07
08:18 08:30 08:43 08:50 09:00 09:09 09:26 09:37
08:47 08:59 09:13 09:20 09:30 09:39 09:56 10:07
09:19 09:32 09:46 09:54 10:04 10:14 10:32 10:43
09:50 10:03 10:17 10:25 10:36 10:46 11:05 11:17
10:20 10:33 10:47 10:55 11:07 11:17 11:36 11:48
10:50 11:03 11:17 11:26 11:38 11:48 12:07P 12:19P
11:20 11:33 11:47 11:56 12:08P 12:18P 12:37 12:49
11:51 12:04P 12:18P 12:27P 12:39 12:49 01:08 01:20
12:20P 12:33 12:48 12:57 01:09 01:20 01:39 01:51
12:50 01:03 01:18 01:27 01:39 01:50 02:10 02:22
01:20 01:33 01:48 01:57 02:09 02:20 02:39 02:51
01:49 02:02 02:18 02:27 02:39 02:50 03:09 03:21
02:20 02:33 02:48 02:57 03:09 03:20 03:39 03:51
02:50 03:03 03:18 03:27 03:39 03:50 04:09 04:21
03:20 03:33 03:48 03:57 04:09 04:20 04:38 04:50
03:50 04:03 04:18 04:27 04:39 04:50 05:08 05:19
04:20 04:33 04:48 04:56 05:07 05:18 05:36 05:48
04:52 05:04 05:18 05:26 05:37 05:47 06:04 06:15
05:22 05:34 05:48 05:56 06:07 06:17 06:34 06:45
05:51 06:03 06:18 06:26 06:37 06:47 07:04 07:14
06:30 06:41 06:54 07:02 07:13 07:22 07:39 07:48
07:16 07:27 07:40 07:47 07:58 08:07 08:23 08:32
08:16 08:27 08:40 08:47 08:58 09:07 09:23 09:32
09:06 09:17 09:29 09:36 09:45 09:54 10:09 10:18
10:03 10:13 10:23 10:29 10:37 10:45 10:59 11:08
11:03 11:13 11:23 11:29 11:37 11:45 11:59 12:08A

Sunday and Holidays

Eastbound (Approximate Times)

Culver City Transit Center Centinela & La Brea Gage & Western Gage & Main Florence Station Gage & Pacific Gage & Wilcox Granger & Florence

— — 5:14A 5:21A 5:30A 5:35A 5:44A 5:54A
— — 05:56 06:03 06:12 06:18 06:27 06:37
6:15A 6:26A 06:39 06:48 06:57 07:03 07:14 07:25
06:41 06:53 07:09 07:18 07:27 07:33 07:44 07:56
07:10 07:22 07:38 07:47 07:57 08:03 08:15 08:27
07:39 07:51 08:08 08:17 08:27 08:33 08:45 08:57
08:05 08:18 08:35 08:45 08:56 09:03 09:15 09:27
08:33 08:46 09:04 09:14 09:26 09:33 09:46 09:59
09:02 09:15 09:33 09:43 09:55 10:03 10:17 10:30
09:30 09:44 10:02 10:12 10:25 10:33 10:47 11:01
09:58 10:12 10:30 10:41 10:54 11:03 11:17 11:31
10:28 10:42 11:00 11:11 11:24 11:33 11:47 12:01P
10:52 11:07 11:26 11:37 11:50 11:59 12:15P 12:29
11:21 11:36 11:55 12:07P 12:20P 12:30P 12:45 12:59
11:51 12:06P 12:25P 12:37 12:50 01:00 01:15 01:29
12:21P 12:36 12:55 01:07 01:20 01:30 01:45 01:59
12:49 01:05 01:24 01:37 01:50 02:00 02:15 02:29
01:22 01:38 01:57 02:10 02:23 02:33 02:48 03:02
01:51 02:07 02:27 02:40 02:53 03:03 03:18 03:32
02:20 02:37 02:57 03:10 03:23 03:33 03:48 04:02
02:52 03:09 03:29 03:41 03:54 04:03 04:18 04:32
03:24 03:41 04:00 04:11 04:24 04:33 04:47 05:01
03:54 04:11 04:30 04:41 04:54 05:03 05:17 05:31
04:25 04:42 05:01 05:12 05:24 05:33 05:47 06:00
04:56 05:13 05:32 05:42 05:54 06:03 06:17 06:30
05:27 05:44 06:02 06:12 06:24 06:33 06:47 07:00
06:01 06:18 06:36 06:46 06:58 07:06 07:19 07:32
06:39 06:55 07:13 07:23 07:34 07:42 07:55 08:08
07:19 07:35 07:53 08:03 08:14 08:21 08:34 08:47
08:17 08:31 08:49 08:58 09:08 09:15 09:26 09:38
09:20 09:34 09:51 10:00 10:10 10:16 10:26 10:38
10:20 10:32 10:46 10:54 11:02 11:07 11:16 11:28

Sunday and Holidays

Westbound (Approximate Times)

Granger & Florence Gage & Wilcox Gage & Pacific Florence Station Gage & Main Gage & Western Centinela & La Brea Culver City Transit Center

6:16A 6:26A 6:38A 6:44A 6:54A 7:02A 7:18A 7:28A
06:51 07:02 07:13 07:19 07:29 07:37 07:53 08:04
07:21 07:32 07:43 07:49 07:59 08:07 08:24 08:35
07:51 08:02 08:13 08:20 08:30 08:39 08:56 09:07
08:19 08:30 08:43 08:50 09:00 09:09 09:26 09:37
08:48 08:59 09:13 09:20 09:30 09:39 09:56 10:07
09:20 09:32 09:46 09:54 10:04 10:14 10:32 10:43
09:50 10:03 10:17 10:25 10:36 10:46 11:05 11:17
10:20 10:33 10:47 10:55 11:07 11:17 11:36 11:48
10:50 11:03 11:17 11:26 11:38 11:48 12:07P 12:19P
11:20 11:33 11:47 11:56 12:08P 12:18P 12:37 12:49
11:51 12:04P 12:18P 12:27P 12:39 12:49 01:08 01:20
12:20P 12:33 12:48 12:57 01:09 01:20 01:39 01:51
12:50 01:03 01:18 01:27 01:39 01:50 02:10 02:22
01:20 01:33 01:48 01:57 02:09 02:20 02:39 02:51
01:49 02:02 02:18 02:27 02:39 02:50 03:09 03:21
02:20 02:33 02:48 02:57 03:09 03:20 03:39 03:51
02:50 03:03 03:18 03:27 03:39 03:50 04:09 04:21
03:20 03:33 03:48 03:57 04:09 04:20 04:38 04:50
03:50 04:03 04:18 04:27 04:39 04:50 05:08 05:19
04:20 04:33 04:48 04:56 05:07 05:18 05:36 05:48
04:51 05:04 05:18 05:26 05:37 05:47 06:04 06:15
05:22 05:34 05:48 05:56 06:07 06:17 06:34 06:45
05:51 06:03 06:18 06:26 06:37 06:47 07:04 07:14
06:29 06:41 06:54 07:02 07:13 07:22 07:39 07:48
07:16 07:27 07:40 07:47 07:58 08:07 08:23 08:32
08:16 08:27 08:40 08:47 08:58 09:07 09:23 09:32
09:05 09:16 09:29 09:36 09:45 09:54 10:09 10:18
10:03 10:13 10:23 10:29 10:37 10:45 10:59 11:08
11:03 11:13 11:23 11:29 11:37 11:45 11:59 12:08A

Route Metro Los Angeles

These are the stations compared, see which station is closest to you.

Granger / Florence
Garfield / Loveland
Gage / Darwell
Gage / Jaboneria
Gage / Colmar
Gage / El Selinda
Gage / Eastern
Gage / Walker
Gage / Wilcox
Gage / Heliotrope
Gage / Prospect
Gage / Atlantic
Gage / Otis
Gage / Bear
Gage / California
Gage / Salt Lake
Gage / Hollenbeck
Gage / Hood
Gage / State
Gage / Marconi
Gage / Miles
Gage / Seville
Gage / Pacific
Gage / Malabar
Gage / Santa Fe
Gage / Albany
Gage / Alameda
Gage / Wilmington
Holmes / Gage
Holmes / 66th
Holmes / Florence
Florence Station
Florence / Miramonte
Florence / Compton
Compton / 70th
Compton / 68th
Compton / 66th
Gage / Compton
Gage / Hooper
Gage / Central
Gage / McKinley
Gage / Avalon
Gage / San Pedro
Gage / Main
Gage / Broadway
Gage / Figueroa
Gage / Hoover
Gage / Vermont
Gage / Budlong
Gage / Normandie
Gage / Denker
Gage / Western
62nd / Western
62nd / Saint Andrews
62nd / Gramercy
62nd / Cimarron
62nd / Van Ness
Southwest / 3rd
Southwest / 8th
8th / Hyde Park
Hyde Park / Crenshaw
Hyde Park / West
Hyde Park / Long
Hyde Park / Gay
Hyde Park / Park
Hyde Park / Marlborough
Hyde Park / Hyde Park
Hyde Park / Field
Centinela / Edgewood
Centinela / La Brea
Centinela / Inglewood
Centinela / Acacia
Centinela / Beach
Centinela / La Tijera
Centinela / Alvern
Centinela / Sherbourne
Centinela / Green Valley
Bristol / Centinela
Green Valley / Bristol
Green Valley / Sepulveda
Culver City Transit Center
Slauson / Sepulveda
Jefferson / Slauson
Jefferson / Mesmer
Jefferson / Margaret
Jefferson / Inglewood
Jefferson / Centinela
Jefferson / Westlawn
Jefferson / McConnell
Jefferson / Beethoven
Jefferson / Alla
Waters Edge / Jefferson

These are the stations compared, see which station is closest to you.

Jefferson / Inglewood
Jefferson / Centinela
Jefferson / Westlawn
Jefferson / McConnell
Jefferson / Beethoven
Jefferson / Alla
Waters Edge / Jefferson

110 Metro Bus Schedule Playa Vista – Bell Gardens via Jefferson Bl-Gage Av, the city’s transit agency operates several buses in its fleet, carrying out numerous passenger trips, being one of the best passenger transport providers in the US, connecting the main points of Los Angeles, taking people to the best sights, parks and great areas. centers in the region.

Los Angeles subway route and bus schedules, these were the main information presented here for you to plan your bus trip using the public transport system.

Metro.net The agency is very reliable, convenient and economical aims to provide and meet the needs of its customers and committed to total excellence, one of their desires is the social well-being and quality of life for the passengers and the entire population.

Metro Bus Time there are public transport services that carry more than eight million passengers a day, dedicated to the ability to provide a high standard of transportation.