Sta 67 Bus Schedule Spokane Swoop Loop

Access Sta 67 Bus Schedule Spokane Swoop Loop, View complete schedule, route, get information and data from the region’s transit authority.
Sta 67 Bus Schedule Spokane Swoop Loop, the bus Sta schedule and routes Spokane, were separated by weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays, at the end of the text the passenger can check the route on the map.

67 Bus Schedule Spokane Swoop Loop

On our page we present more options of Sta Spokane bus and their schedules.

67 Swoop Loop

Weekday Swoop Loop (EWU School Days Only)
06:58 | 07:03 | 07:10 | 07:11 | 07:17
07:23 | 07:28 | 07:35 | 07:36 | 07:42
07:53 | 07:58 | 08:05 | 08:06 | 08:12
08:23 | 08:28 | 08:35 | 08:36 | 08:42
08:53 | 08:58 | 09:05 | 09:06 | 09:12
09:23 | 09:28 | 09:35 | 09:36 | 09:42
09:53 | 09:58 | 10:05 | 10:06 | 10:12
10:23 | 10:28 | 10:35 | 10:36 | 10:42
10:53 | 10:58 | 11:05 | 11:06 | 11:12
11:23 | 11:28 | 11:35 | 11:36 | 11:42
11:53 | 11:58 | 12:05 | 12:06 | 12:12
12:23 | 12:28 | 12:35 | 12:36 | 12:42
12:53 | 12:58 | 01:05 | 01:06 | 01:12
01:23 | 01:28 | 01:35 | 01:36 | 01:42
01:53 | 01:58 | 02:05 | 02:06 | 02:12
02:27 | 02:32 | 02:39 | 02:40 | 02:46
02:57 | 03:02 | 03:09 | 03:10 | 03:16
03:27 | 03:32 | 03:39 | 03:40 | 03:46
03:57 | 04:02 | 04:09 | 04:10 | 04:16
04:27 | 04:32 | 04:39 | 04:40 | 04:46
04:57 | 05:02 | 05:09 | 05:10 | 05:16
05:29 | 05:34 | 05:41 | 05:42 | 05:48
05:59 | 06:04 | 06:11 | 06:12 | 06:18
1 | 5 | 2 | 3M | 1

Timepoints listed are estimates based on normal conditions. Please be at your stop approximately 5 minutes before the bus is scheduled to depart.

Timepoint 3M is also served by Route 68. Route 67 offers the most direct trip to the EWU PUB when in operation. Please see route map for specifics.

Non-School Days
Route 68 operates every service day throughout the year and serves both Eagle Point timepoints.

Route 67 will only operate when EWU discontinues the Max Flex online first approach (tentatively September FallTue, 28 Mar 2023 quarter). This route also does not operate during EWU summer session, EWU recognized holidays or school closures.

Route 67 will not operate on the following dates due to EWU’s Max Flex online first schedule for spring quarter.

See below for the known Non-School Days at the time of printing this schedule.

May 16 – September 18

68 Cheney Loop

sta spokane

67 Sta Spokane Bus Route Swoop Loop.

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